Engine and Gearbox Rebuild

Air-cooled Porsche engines, whether four or six-cylinder units, are famously tough and reliable. They often accumulate huge mileages before needing more than the most basic attention. To ensure that they remain as reliable as possible whilst delivering the performance they were designed to, Porsche engines deserve regular and intelligent servicing.

When the time comes for an expert overhaul, we offer a full rebuild service, whilst maintaining due regard for the increasing demand for originality and authenticity in so-called matching numbers cars. Our engineers are experienced in the full range or Classic Porsche engines.

All our engines are built in-house by professional engineers with plenty of experience on these iconic power units.  All our engineers come with impressive pedigrees and are passionate about detail, whether it be engineering accuracy or just the external appearance our their work. Machining is also carried out in-house with occasional input from other technical specialists who have experience of the high performance parts for all our 911, four-cylinder 356 and 912/914 units.

Gearbox Schematic

Gearbox Sevice and Rebuild

Additionally we offer similar repair and rebuild services for all classic Porsche transmissions, including the 901 and 915 trans-axles and even the often misunderstood Sportomatic gearboxes.

You can be confident that our engine and gearbox rebuilds will provide the relaibility and performance to allow you to enjoy the capability of your classic Porsche with confidence.